Hoo Ness Yacht Club,
Vicarage Lane,
Clubhouse: 01634 250052
Email: memsec@hooness.org.uk
Contact the Club
Hoo Ness Yacht Club, Vicarage Lane, Hoo, Rochester, Kent ME3 9LB
Telephone: 01634 250052
Contact us using our contact form. Click here.
NOTE: To order meals, phone Sue on 07393 417009.
Richard Jessup
Email commodorehooness.org.uk
Vice Commodore
Derek Chalk
Email vice.commodorehooness.org.uk
Rear Commodore
Bryan Wright
Email rear.commodorehooness.org.uk
Hon Secretary
Martin Richards
Email secretaryhooness.org.uk
Hon Treasurer
Michael Cronin
Email treasurerhooness.org.uk
Hon Mooring Master
Tony Cottis
Email mooringshooness.org.uk
Hon Membership Secretary
Email memsechooness.org.uk
Email webmasterhooness.org.uk
How to find us
Wherever you come from, make for junction 1 of the M2. Junction 1 is the point at which the A2 becomes the M2.
Leave at junction 1 and continue on the A289 following the signs for GRAIN (A228). Ignore all slip roads and when you reach a roundabout, turn left onto the A228.
At the top of the first hill, keep going past the two Jet petrol stations. At the roundabout in the next dip, ignore the right turn signposted to Hoo as this leads you over too many speed bumps. Go straight on up the next hill. At the roundabout at the top of the hill, turn right into Bell's Lane (signed Hoo Marina).
At the bottom of Bell's Lane, in the centre of Hoo, go across the crossroads into Church Road. Then, soon after passing the Spar supermarket, turn left into Vicarage Lane.
Continue almost to the end of Vicarage Lane, where there is an industrial estate around Hoo Marina. Just before the bus stop, turn right into the private housing estate and carefully follow the signs to Hoo Ness Yacht Club. Beware of the speed humps. See you there!