From the archives
Coming Events
  • 19 Oct: Laying Up Supper and Prize Giving
  • 06 Nov: Soup Wednesday
  • 10 Nov: Work Party (Pauses at 11:00)
  • 10 Nov: Remembrance Sunday
  • 01 Dec: Annual General Meeting
  • More details of all Club events can be found in the Programme or in the Forum within the Members Area also see Dear Diary
Useful Links

Members' Articles

Sunny Malta (Sielima)
short term mooring available 40ft 4-5m depth

Jester Baltimore Challenge 2019
Ireland and bust

Sailing North - Mark Evans
Cruising North Background For the past 3 years I had thought of sailing around the UK, but could see no way to achieve this while earning a living and being a Dad. During the autumn of 2016 I looked at my options as I wanted to do something different and more challenging than I was used to. I wasn’t prepared to hand my notice in at work and in any case I didn’t want to be away from home for several months, so broke a round trip of the UK into eight x 10-day legs, or thereabouts, reckoning on an average of 25 miles per day, including rest days and time off for bad weather. This made each leg 250 miles, 2000 in total around mainland UK. I didn’t make any allowance for night sailing as I expected to do most of the journey solo and wanted to do my best to comply with insurance restrictions, but also truthfully I wasn’t sure I would have the confidence to take 10 minute catnaps, dodge lobster pots and remain lucid. With this loose plan in mind I thought I could tackle a sail around the UK over a few years. My manager very kindly agreed to me having 2 weeks holiday in May, 2 weeks in July and a week in September, this was very generous and I was very grateful.

Jester Challenge 2017
Ireland or Bust

What a blast sailing to Burnham
First sail of the season after major renovations to Concerto. Up to Burnham and return in windy conditions and singlehanded.

Holland 2014 - Wil Pretty & Bryan Wright
Wil and Bryan go Dutch in 2014.

Motor Sailor or Yacht with an Auxiliary Engine?
After four years waiting, Charles enters Aurai in the Classic Cross Channel Regatta.

Raymarine Equipment
Charles Hessey shares some of his recent experiences re-equipping Aurai's navigational kit

Mending and wending our way across the Western Med
Tony Dudman sailed across the Western Mediterranean in May 2013

Hoo Ness Yacht Club Members Rescue Chica
Wil Pretty, the owner of Chica for 22 years reports on the new owners adventures during his delivery trip to Holland.

Nigel Stevens' Spring Cruise 2013
New club member Nigel Stevens introduces himself to us with an article about his recent spring cruise in his trimaran Triassic

Moving Triple Fantasy to her new home in Plymouth by Julian Woods
(with comments by Bryan Wright)

Bryan Wright and Julian Woods move Triple Fantasy to her new home in the West Country

Launching “Lovely Mover”
An old photograph sent to Martin Richards brings back memories which he shares with us in the fascinating article

Gee Bee Jay Winters in Portugal
Les updates us on his latest news and reflects on his season

Three Boats, Seven Hulls
When Charles Hessey decided to cruise his deep keeled monohull in company with two trimarans he wasn’t sure what he was letting himself in for....

Story of my trip from Paimpol
Wil Pretty brings his new catamaran home from Paimpol to the Medway

Fog in the Gibraltar Straits
(A collection of F words from Les in the Med)

Higgs Bosun on the Medway
Charles Hessey, offers his musings on summer sailing

That Sinking Feeling...(or A Crash Course in Gate Valves)
A great article from Cheryl and Keith Littlebury that will get you all checking in the uncharted depths of your bilges!

Easter Cruise to Ibiza with Mrs Mishap
Les and Bob continue their Mediterranean Adventure and Les has sent this account of life on Gee Bee Jay as he heads across to Ibiza.

No Snow in my Back Garden
As we battle with the snow and dark days of February Les Chapman updates us on "Life in the Med"

Buying Babalou
Graham Bates has sent in this article on going to Germany to buy his new boat "Babalou" and his trip back with Barry Gardiner.

A Lock Too Far
Tony Lavelle has put together a fascinating article with some great photographs that will hopefully inspire some of you to try going the other way and take a look at our beautiful river above Rochester Bridge and beyond.

A First Yacht Racing Season
Charles Hessey reports on taking part, as crew, in yacht racing in the West Country.

Gee Bee Jay reaches Latitude 37035.98N
With summer in the Mediterranean drawing to a close, Les reflects on his trip so far and reports on Bob's abilities at sail handling!

Journey from Milford Haven
Monica Varney shares her Diary of her and Andrew's voyage from Milford Haven to Gillingham in "Joleta of Pettycur" a junk-rigged Colvic Salty Dog. There are some useful links in the piece as well, for anyone following in their wake.

You must be brave!
Tony Lavelle describes his first voyage across the Thames Estuary, from Hoo to Tollesbury.

Les and Bob get a Visit
Neil and Sharon Walters were able to meet up with Les and Bob recently and sent in this report along with some pictures

An Impromptu HNYC Cruise
Mike Townsend reports on an Impromptu East Coast Cruise that took in the Club's Tollesbury Rally

Tollesbury or Bust....
Stephen Bush gives account of his recent trip to Tollesbury with Graham Pugh to take part in the club's rally

Mediterranean Tales (cold water unavailable !!!!!)
Les and Bob have now reached Barcelona and are enjoying the delights this city has to offer

Wil Pretty's trip to the Norfolk Broads
Wil Pretty is now back from the Norfolk Broads and has sent over some words to go with his fine pictures

Mediterranean Tales
Our intrepid duo have finally made it to the Mediterranean, Les tells us there were more economies of fuel than wine and Bob's training is due to start soon to turn him into a proper seadog.

To Holland and Back.
Neil and Sharon Walters sail to Holland and back in Cathala. We have had updates via text on Dear Diary, now read the full story

Les and Bob's Excellent Adventure
Keep up with Les and Bob's Excellent Adventure

Aurai - Westward bound!
Before too many people wonder what all the references to Chas and Aurai are about, Chas Hessey thought it best get his version of events in first

Perry's Latest Adventure
Paul Fabb has sent in a great article about Perry's Latest Adventure on the East Coast

Chica's Spring Cruise 2011
Wil Pretty reports on Chica's Spring Cruise

Snowbound in Dunkirk
Snowbound in Dunkirk, read Peter Everiss' article

Gypsy Moth
Ken Burgess' report about how a chance meeting at the Southampton Boat Show lead to a sail on a very famous boat

Thoughts on the Ionian by Tony Lavelle
Thoughts on the Ionian by Tony Lavelle

Holland 2010 by Wil Pretty and Bryan Wright
Holland 2010 by Wil Pretty and Bryan Wright

Gentlemen don't sail to windward
Gentlemen Don't Go To Windward by Neil Walters

South Eastern Tug Society
South Eastern Tug Society, a visit by Gordon Pickett

Burnham on Crouch Club Cruise 2010
Aurai's Burnham on Crouch Club Cruise by Charles Hessey

Aurai's St Katherine's Rally Easter 2010
Aurai's St Katherine's Rally Easter 2010 by Charles Hessey

Rules Talk 2010
Julian Woods' Understanding the Racing Rules

A Week in Albania
A Week in Albania by Roy Beaumont

Cathala's Easter trip 2009
Cathala’s Easter trip 2009 by Neil Walters

My First Boat
My First Boat by Michael Curtis

The Ultimate Creek Crawl
The Ultimate Creek Crawl Tony Lavelle and Wil Pretty take their sailing boats up the Thames

VIC 96 Returns to the River Medway
VIC 96 returns to the Medway An historic ship returns to the Medway, photos and links.

Aurai's Summer Cruise and Classic Regatta 2009 Part 3
Aurai Goes West Part 3 Charles Hessey concludes his articles about his summer trip and Classic Regatta.

Aurai's Summer Cruise and Classic Regatta 2009 Part 2
Aurai Goes West Part 2 Charles Hessey has sent a second installment of his summer cruise 2009.

Aurai's Summer Cruise 2009 Part 1
Aurai Goes West Part 1 Charles Hessey has sent this piece about the first stage of his 2009 summer cruise.

Charles Hessey races Aurai with the Greatest of Crew in the Red Sands Race 2009
The Greatest of Crew - Charles Hessey races out to the Red Sands Towers in 2009

Zoetje's Escape from Four Fathoms Channel, May 2009
Escape from the Four Fathom Channel Tom Fisher describe's Zoetje's latest adventures.

Beginner's Guide to the Hoo Freezer
Beginner's Guide to the Hoo Freezer by Rear Commodore Martin Richards

Cruising Solo
Cruising Solo in the Med by Bob Hammond

Roy Beaumont in the Ionian 2008
Zamia in the Ionian Roy Beaumont's boat Zamia II is based in the Ionian

The Rivers Ore and Alde
The Rivers Ore and Alde. An informative guide, by Tony Chamberlain.

Zoetje goes to Folkboat Week 2008
Zoetje Tom Fisher and friends sail their Folkboat back from the Isle of Wight

Race Briefing 2006
Jim MacDonald's Racing Tactics and Tips

Please email the Webmaster with articles and photos of anything you would like to share with other members. If you need help on how to submit your article, especially regarding the inclusion of pictures please let me know.