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Racing Section

About Our Racing Activities!

Our racing programme is aimed at members who prefer sailing with a degree of competitiveness but still enjoy a social atmosphere.

Racing is ideal for mastering your sailing skills as the competitive platform will push you into making the next tack that little bit quicker! It is also be possible to join as crew and other experienced crew mates can help you master those skills.

Our current racers include cruising mono hull boats all the way up to trimaran racing boats, whose racing crews promise to offer a friendly wave when they zoom past!

We have our own performance based Handicap System which has a fast-track adjustment process for new boats so that they become competitive within a few races, which puts all boats, even the tris, on a par and means any boat and crew really can win!

For the non-racer member, a friendly informal level of competition can be enjoyed between boat owners joining us on our cruises and rally events

For more information contact our Rear Commodore.