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Racing Results 2014

Autumn 1 and 2

Autumn 1 was held on Saturday (6th September). Wind was a F1 westerly, We drifted down river and reached Sharp Ness on a fine but hazy day.

Concerto benefited from the use of a spinnaker, Spice Cat was aided by a whisker pole. Concertos start delay changes to - 24 mins 35 sec for the next race.

Autumn Race 2 on the Sunday was cancelled as there was thick fog.

Autumn 3 & 4 are on 20/21 September.



  1. Concerto
  2. Spice Cat
  3. Sisu

Photos from the day!



Montezoomer -series race 4 (7 June)

The race coincided with the Medway Barge match as happens occasionally and there was enough wind for all to finish.

In addition there was an entrant from Segas who came in after the 3 HNYC boats.. Lodestar, Aurai and Auduin are still in with a chance of the Spring Series as each can equal Triassic. Good to see Concerto racing again



  1. Lodestar
  2. Audouin
  3. Concerto

Spring Series Races 1 and 2 (17+18 May)

Well what a fabulous weekend! Saturdays race SP1 started on time as there was actually a little wind. (F1-3 Easterly). A slow beat down river against the last of the flood got us to around Oakham Ness. Sunrise took the first place followed by Triassic then Lodestar, with Sunny and Audouin bringing up the rear. We sailed on to a raft up in a crowded Sharfleet. Woodstock-Hi joined us and a great party of food, wine and terrific company was enjoyed until dark.

Spring series 2 on Sunday we varied the course and went out around the Montgomery. Starting in a Southerly F2-3 we quickly got out into the estuary where a strong easterly sea breeze kicked in. We didn't actually reach the wreck before the race timed out! This is because the tide was flooding strongly against us. Nearly there was Lodestar with Triassic in hot pursuit. Sunny, Sisu, Sunrise and Woodstock Hi not too far behind.

We all enjoyed a really pleasant sail back up the river to home.



Spring 1 (17/5, E1-3, pursuit club line to Stangate)

  1. Sunrise
  2. Triassic
  3. Lodestar
  4. Sunny
  5. Audouin

Spring 2 (18/5, E3, pursuit Stangate to Montgomery)

  1. Lodestar
  2. Triassic
  3. Sunny
  4. Sisu
  5. Sunrise
  6. Woodstock-Hi

Spring 3 (24/5, S4, S Kent to Longnose)

  1. Triassic
  2. Aurai
  3. Lodestar
  4. Woodstock-Hi

Photos from the day!

Triassic in hot pleasant.

Documents relating to club racing in 2014

Racing results from 2013

Racing results from 2012

Racing results from 2011