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Free Wifi - Terms and Conditions

Free Wi-Fi Service and Usage Policy

In consideration of the provision of the service you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and all and any House Rules in connection with the use of the facility and/or the use of personal electronic devices on Club premises. If you have any questions, please contact the Manager or one of the Flag Officers.

Use of the Service and Personal Information

Hoo Ness Yacht Club is registered with the Information Commissioners Office under the Data Protection Act 1998. We may sometimes use cookies to make reconnecting easier and for anonymous statistical analysis. We will also use information from your usage of the Wi-Fi for service tracking, monitoring and improvement purposes. If HNYC are subject to any claim or request for information about your use of the service then it may and will disclose information about you (for example, your IP address or the email address you provided when accessing the Wi-Fi) to any relevant or lawful authority.

Terms of Use

Act lawfully – do not act in any way that is unlawful or encourage others to act unlawfully. In particular, do not infringe intellectual property rights, do not reveal confidential or sensitive information and do not engage in any criminal offence or encourage others to do so.

Act responsibly – you must not undertake actions that are harassing, defamatory, threatening, obscene, abusive, racist, sexist, offensive or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate. Do not pretend to be anyone other than yourself. Do not collect email addresses or other personal details or use the Wi-Fi to send spam.

Act reasonably – do not use Wi-Fi access in any way that may affect the running of the Wi-Fi or other technology connected to it (for example, other Wi-Fi users’ devices or Club equipment). In particular, do not upload or download large files or stream data/material direct from the Internet and make sure your device is protected by up-to-date anti-virus software.

Be fair to others – do not use the Wi-Fi in an unreasonable or excessive manner or in the Bar area which has been designated a Wi-Fi free zone for personal electronic devices.

Provision of Service

Sometimes, for technical, legal or operational reasons the service may not be available. HNYC may also control the type of material that can be sent or received over the Wi-Fi.and can suspend your access at any time in its sole discretion without reference or responsibility to you. You use the service at your own risk and the Club is not responsible to you for any damage, loss, costs or expenses you suffer due to the service bring unavailable or not operational. Without prejudice to the generality of this such includes all and any loss and/damage to data.

You are responsible to the Club for all damage, losses, costs, actions or expenses suffered by HNYC arising out of any breach by you of these rules. Without prejudice to the generality of this such includes use of the Wi-Fi for copyright infringement, to commit a criminal offence or other illegal or inappropriate action.